Monday, November 1, 2010

Play Date

Remember how much fun it was to sit down- colored markers in one hand, coloring book in the other- and just go at it? I do. For hours upon hours I would draw anything and everything. My imagination would take over and I would be in my own little world.

Well, ladies and gents, I invite you to relive your childhood moments..through fashion.

Michiel Schurrman, a graphic designer, and Berber Soepboer, a fashion designer have collaborated on a dress that you can color yourself. Sounds fun? That's because it is. What a simple way to own a one-of-a-kind garment, and you even get to help in the creation of it!

The only way that this idea could get any better is to add in some temporary inks. They only offer permanent textile markers with the dress, but being able to recreate the design and colors over and over would be a lot of fun. The dress would never become dated that way!

Another set of dresses that came to be with this collaboration are the assembly dresses. There are three different dresses in the line and they can all be taken apart and combined in a variety of different ways with buttons. This leaves it open for endless possibilities when you get dressed in the morning.

I wish that they had a couple of solid prints to pair with the dresses, but maybe that is a future project for the duo to work on.
All in all, this post is just a shoutout to all the other dreamers and imagination dwelling people out feels good to know that your childhood drawings just might pay off in the future.